But, there have been some really bright spots, because I have some incredible people in my little village and they are showing up for us right now and saving my life and anchoring my soul.
And, since I know that it's hard to figure out how to support people in an out-of-the-box situation like families who foster, I'm going to tell you about them so that maybe you'll be better equipped to support someone else in your life who may be walking the foster care road.
The things that are currently giving me life (in no particular order):
- When friends take time out of their day to text, call or send me snaps regularly, telling me they are praying for us, asking me how we are, how I am, how did today go, am I still breathing, am I still standing, am I still sober...and on and on. Sometimes in the trenches you can start to feel forgotten, which is disheartening. When someone takes time to check in and let me know they have not forgotten that our little crazy life might be imploding and we might not be handling it very well, that is helpful and encouraging.
- When a friend drops off food (homemade, or of the drive-thru variety), takes my frantic calls at 8:00am on Sunday morning to talk me down off a ledge, tells me I am not bipolar, and stops over just to give me a hug. It's so helpful to have someone who understands something about the life we live, and won't pass judgement for the craziness that is this type of parenting.
- When the smartest behavioral specialist I know texts me to ask if she can help in any way, give me any support, provide me with any strategies. When she sends special packages. When she checks in in the midst of her own life's crazy.
- When a friend holds my hands and lifts me up in prayer. When she doesn't ask when I might give up on a child, but instead prays "God, we confirm this calling we know you have given them" and prays for strength in the midst of the mess.
- When family mobilizes and makes sure everyone has clothing and toys and no one is left out, and everyone knows they are loved.
- When friends give us furniture so everyone has a bed and a place to put their clothes.
- When my pastor preached this message on Sunday (9/3). Because we're in the mess, but that doesn't mean we're not doing the right ministry. (Seriously, give it a listen).
- When I listen to this song on repeat. All day. And no one judges me because music is good for the soul.
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